Wednesday, May 7, 2008

training update

Ok Bob here you go, I told you I stink at updating blogs! I will do so more regularly now that we have EXACTLY ONE MONTH TO GO!!!!!!!

Since the first week in April my monthly totals have looked like this:

80, 68, 76.2, 74, 81.

Planned remaining weekly mileage:

110, 70, 90, race week taper who knows.

I have a 50 mile race this Saturday. I want to place well! I hope to PR too. I will publicly state my goal as 8:50, but that seems so unrealistic.

I will of course post that race report as well as many photos.


Bob - said...
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Bob - said...

oooops edit))))

Amanda Said: I have been too busy running, eating and working!
Wow does look like there are more important things than blogging to do --LOL

Glad ur trainings are going well, U are logging some great miles...I been avg 45 miles a week ....(sigh))) now I feel like I am not doing enough (sadface)

(((OK snap out of Bob)))

Whew, I cannot afford any seeds of doubt :-) that was close!

Have an awesome race this weekend Amanda and look forward to ur report... YOU Can Hit ur GOAL!!!

30 days to GOOOOOOOOO See Ya Soon!